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Nabin Rijal's poems (Nepali & English)

by Nabin Rijal
glag l/hfnsf slatfx?

मेरो आँसु 

x]/ t d]/f] cfF;'
slTtsf] Odfgbf/ 5 .
g'g vfPs]f 5 p;n] d]/f] zl//sf]
To;}n] t kn k|ltkn p d]/f] uxsf] kx/]bf/ 5 .

To;}n] t ha ha d]/f] x[bonfO{ af]em a9\5
Eff/L af]s]/ x[bosf] zf]sx?sf]
p k/]lnsf cfx|flnx?af6 cf]{ng slxNo} e'Nb}g.

d]/f] x[bonfO{ r+8\uf agfpgsf nflu
d]/f] x[bonfO{ u+8\uf agfpgsf nflu .

p t ;fRr} d]/f nflu lgi7fsf] glb xf] .
b'Mvsf] l;Gw+'sf] Ps laGb' xf] .

lgotLn] hf]8]sf] Ps clalR5Gg ;DaGw xf] .
p t ;fRr} d]/f] cfTdfsf] cla/n ;'uGw xf] .

d]/f] cfTdf ;flIf lyof] p ;Fusf] gftf hf]l8bf
To;}n] t clN5 u{b}g a;{g d]/f] dgx? Tff]l8bf .


ltdLnfO{ ;Dem+]] / hf]v] dg
dgsf] j'mg}} ef/ 5}g .

ltdLnfO{ la;]{ / ;f]r]+ hLag
hLagsf] j'mg}} cfwf/ 5}g .

x[bo ef]sfPsf] 5 ltd|f] dfof vfg
ltd|f] dfof lagf o;sf] j'mg}} cfxf/ 5}g .

a; ltd|f] dfof vfg kfP k'Uof]
o; afx]s c? dnfO{ ;/f]sf/ 5}g .

s]an lk|t 5 lbgnfO{ ltdLnfO{ lk|o
o;b]lv afx]s d;Fu lbgnfO|{ j'mg}} pkxf/ 5}g . 

h] u/] klg eof]

snf / ;+s[lt s] xf] / a]r] klg eof] .
cfKgf] efiffnfO{ k/fO{ efiffn] ldr]klg eof] .

k/Dk/f ;Fs[lt s] xf] / lab]zLnfO{ gf;f] lbPklg eof] .
cfkmGtLkg / efO{rf/fnfO{ kf;f] lbPklg eof] .

b]zsf] cl:dLtf s] xf] / 8n/;Fu ;f6]kgL eof] .
e5{ ufF7 eg] d]lr dxfsfnL Ps}k6s cfF6]klg eof] .

Odfg / cfrf/ s] xf] / v]n}fgfe}m v]n]klg eof] .
cfkm|gf] k':tf;lk|of]; g c?n] gf/lso bM'v em]n]klg eof] .

dlGb/, dl:hb, u'Daf s] xf] / a'N8f]h/n] k]n]klg eof] .
lgd'vfx?sf] efjgfnfO{ /f]6Le}+m a]n]klg eof] .

मेरा कैयन कविताहरु 

D]f/f s}og slatfx? Uff]/vfkq ;+:yfgsf]
/l2sf 6f]s/Ldf t'lxPsf xf]nfg\ .
D]f/f s}og slatfx? Gfu/kflnsfsf]
sG6]g/df j'mlxPsf xf]nfg\ .
ToFxfaf6klg ;?jf kfO{;s]sf] eP
8lDk8\;fO6df dn alg/x]sf xf]nfg\ .
afUfdtL;fO6df 9n alg/x]sf xf]nfg\ .
t/ ckzf]r uf]/vfkqdf t slxn] 5flkPg .
lsgsL d ;Dkfbssf] ;fnf] kl/g . 
kqsf/sf] kf]O{ kl/g .
dlGq, ;lrj, dfglgosf] sf]O{ kl/g .
oxfF u'0fsf] eGbf eg;'gsf] sb/ 5 .
oxfF k|ltefsf] eGbf r6'sfl/tfsf]] efp 5 .
sxfFaf6 le8fpF d kfO{n} lkR5] ;f]{; / kmf]{;x?
d}n] slxNo} l;Sg] df}s} kfO{g rnv]nsf sf]{;x? .

slxn]sflx slatf t d klg n]S5'gL

slxn]sflx slatf t d klg n]S5'gL .
efjgfdf h'g tf/f d klg b]S5'gL .

x[bodf xnrn dnfO{ klg x'G5gL . 
Joyf, lk/, j]bgfn] dnfO{ klg 5'G5gL .

slxsfFlx sljtf t d klg n]S5'gL .
Gofgf] zAbx? TffKb} d'6' d klg ;]S5'gL .
slxsfFlx sljtf t d klg n]S5'gL .

sndsf] 6'Kkf af]ls
sndsf] 6'Kkf af]ls sfuhsf] kfgfdf
j'mb\g] sx/ ul/xfn]+ of] cˆ7\of/f]] hdfgfdf .

w]/} 8'a]+]+, w]/} w;]+ lk8f clg a]bgfdf
s]an dfly p7\g ;s]+ ltd|f] ld7f] ;Demgfdf .

x]/f+} n]Vb} hLGbuL of] slt nfdf] s[t /}5 .
;flxTo / lrTt aLr slt nfdf] lk|t /}5 .

zAbx? a6'Nb}5' AoSt ug{ ufgfdf .
j'mb\g] /x/ ul/xfn] of] ck\m7of/f] hdfgfdf .

dlGb/ jf:tjdf dgsf] d}nf] kvfNg uO{g] xf] dGbL/ .
t/ cfhef]ln lalaw p2]Zosnflu dG5] hfG5g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx cf:yf l/lTtbf a6'Ng hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx dgf]/Ghg ug{ 8'Ng hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx dfof a;fpg, sf]lx cfvf grfpg hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx lhp 36fpg, eft krfpg hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx rKkn , h'Ttf, k]6L kmf6]sfn] hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx Aofkf/ Aoj;fo cf6]sfn] hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx sf]lx t uf]hL l/TtLbf klg hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx ufGhf, clkmdsf] tntn d]6fpg klg hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx km]n ePsfn] hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx h]n uPsfn] hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx b'v k/]sfn] zf]s e'nfpg hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx lr7\7f k/]sfn] n• k|;fb k'¥ofpg hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx sf]lx t xgLd"g dgfpg klg hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx uLt ;uLt ;'gfpg klg hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
sf]lx bfg blIf0ff ;f]xg{ hfg] u5{g dlGb/ .
sf]lx t b]at} klg rf]g{ hfg] hfg] u5{g\ dlGb/ .
a0f{g slt ug{' dfG5] lsg hfG5g\ dlGb/ .
dfq yfxf kfP k'U5 d lsg hfG5' dlGb/ .

dfq z'Gosf] c+s 5
v} s] ePsf] d]/f] g]kfnnfO{ htftt} uf]nL ad / v'j'ml/sf] cft+s 5 .
nfU5 g]kfnLsf] efUodf ca dfq z'Gosf] cs+ 5 .
ef] dnfO{ :jtGq afx]s c? j'mg} tGq rflxb}g .
d k|htGqsf] gfddf w]/} k6s 7luP .
PstGqsf] gfddf w]/} k6s 7luP .
cj ugtGqsf] gfddf 7lub}5' ;fPb .
ca nf]stGqsf] gfddf 7lub}5' ;fPb .
t];}n] d eG5' ef] dnfO{ cj :jtGq afx]s j'mg} tGq rflxb}g .
afG8fsf] 3/df ;a} k'hf/L eg]e}m of] b]zdf tfGqLsx?sf] sld 5}g .
of] b]zdf bnx?sf] klg sld 5}g .
t];}n] t b]z emg\emg\ bnbndf km:b}5 .
v} d]/f] Tof] g]kfn hxf k'j{ d]lrb]lv klzd dxfsfnL;Dd lgzGsf]r ofqf ug{ ;lsGYof] . dfq g]kfnLsf] ;fO{gf]n] kfx'gf nfUbf klg uf;, af; / skf; kfO{GYof] . t/ clxn] kfO{n} kfO{nfdf qf; 5, ufp ufpdf cfts 5 .


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